Laboratorio Saccardi

Laboratorio Saccardi

Laboratorio Saccardi / Franco

Vincenzo Profeta (Palermo 1977)
 Marco Leone Barone (Palermo 1978)

Laboratorio Saccardi it’s a collective composed by Vincenzo Profeta and Marco Leone Barone, both sicilians born between 1977 and 1979. They live and works in Palermo. Laboratorio Saccardi’s works distinguishes himself by irony and sarcasm, it took inspiration from art history, crime facts, popular and politic culture with the aim of making a social cynical criticism trough a popular language and only dummy naïf. Solo shows exhibitions: in 2010, La camera della morte (Death Room), residency of Sambuca Fonudation, in the Ex Tunny-fishing ground in Favignana and Formica, La Robba (the stuff), Galleria z2o Sara Zanin, Rome; in 2009, Il primo giorno di felicità (the frist day of happyness), Antonio Colombo Artecontemporanea, Milan and Velan Centro d’Arte Contemporanea, Turin; in 2007, Donna/Woman, Francesco Pantaleone Artecontemporanea, Palermo; in 2006, Ok computer, Van Gelder Gallery, Amsterdam, L’occasione fa l’uomo ladro (Opportunity Makes The Thief), Nifca Institute, Helsinki. In 2006 they obtained residence in the Smart Project Space, The Netherlands Fund for Visual Art, Design and Architecture, Amsterdam; in 2005 they won Premio Pagine Bianche d’Autore, (white pages prize) in Sicily; in 2003 they won the V° edition of the Genio di Palermo, Premio Fondazione Banco di Sicilia alla qualità del lavoro, Palermo.
