Christian Frosi

Christian Frosi

Christian Frosi/Warp Boy!

Christian Frosi (Milan, 1975).

Lives and works in Milan. Christian Frosi works with several materials and technique to create installations, sculpture, video, sound project, with a close attention to the location and characteristics of the spaces in which his works are situated. His works are often linked to perceptions of reality itself, of which the artist highlights its contradictions.

Major solo exibitions: 2010, Francesco Pantaleone Arte Contemporanea; 2002, 2003, 2009, Galleria Zero, Milan. 2005, Isabella Bortolozzi Galerie, Berlin, Gregor Podnar, Ljubljana; 2006 Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, München. In 2007 he realized Ambient Tour project, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin; 2008 Yippipie (La nuvola Yippipie) Museo d´Arte Contemporanea Castello di Rivoli, Turin. In 2008 won Fellowship for Young Italian Artists, Castello di Rivoli, Turin.
